Verve Commissioned to Make Ground breaking Human Story - 10 May 2014


Verve Productions have been commissioned by the UK's Channel 5 to make a ground breaking documentary. following Steve Isaac, who has motor neurone disease.

Delivering a first in documentary film making, the film will follow the reality and actuality of Steve and his family. It will capture the story of their lives in crisis, minute by minute, as they struggle to come to terms with his disease. (Known as ALS in North America). It  will show the progress of MND from the moment of diagnosis to the very end, something that had never been achieved before.

To enable stories to be filmed as they happen, the Steve's  son has been hired as an additional camera operator and trained in actuality camera skills. This together with the intimate and personal approach of the main narrative filming will  enable the documentary to capture a unique unfolding story that would otherwise have otherwise been impossible to shoot.

Commissioners are Andrew O'Connell/Emma Westcott
Executive Producer/Director is Liz Tucker

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