Verve Productions is a British documentary production company set up by award winning director Liz Tucker that aims to tell innovative and compelling stories to audiences around the world.

We currently have a slate of broadcast programmes and a feature doc in development.

Verve continues to get a large number of enquires about how to purchase our documentary Filming My Father: In Life and Death.  Filmed over four years, the programme uses an innovative approach to capture the heartbreaking unfolding story of a motor neurone disease diagnosis, minute by minute. If you would like to buy the film, please contact BBC Worldwide, our distributor, there is an email address for them at the bottom of the page.

The film has wom more awards than any other Channel 5 programme ever made. It now has six awards and nominations and has been seen by viewers across the world from Australia to Belgium.

Here are some further details about the documentary's awards:

It won top prize, a gold medal,  at the New York Film Festival's World's Best TV and Film and was described by the exectuive awards director as "outstanding".
  The film was also shortlisted for a Golden Nymph Award at the Monte Carlo TV Festival; best documentary in the Televisual Bulldog Awards and best single documentary in the Broadcast Awards.

Monte Carlo TV Festival

In addition, Liz Tucker won Broadcast Journalist of the Year at the Medical Journalists' Awards for the film. The judges' citation read:
Broadcasting requires you not only to find a great story, but a great way to tell it. Liz Tucker's intimate portrait of Steve Isaac's motor neurone disease and the effect on his family was delicately covered and compelling.

And the film was Highly Commended at the Association of International Broadcasting Awards

The international jury said our film was: A thoroughly poignant and personal insight that drew the viewer into the drama of a family dealing with the slow decline of the father through motor neurone disease. It felt extraordinarily personal and intimate.

Programme Trailer

For sales, the distributor is BBC Worldwide, contact Jon Lindley,